Very simple stretch to help loosen up the back and abdominals
Very good for tight hamstrings that can cause all kinds of back problems
More advanced for hips, this is actually quite hard if you are male
Another very good stretch for hips and sciatic problems. You should feel the stretch in the buttock and hip of the leg that is crossed over, in this case the left leg.
Very basic, can be done in conjunction with an arching motion every time you stand up
A little more difficult for some, and also hard to control but once you can do it, it is very effective.
Be careful with this if you have pinched nerves, but the leg in front takes the load off the spine somewhat.
Cat stretch, also can be alternated with seal stretch where from the starting position you drop your hips to the floor and keep your arms straight.
Swiss army knife stretch, very good for hips and back
Basic and similar to the front bend, but this is a standing version of the cat stretch / seal stretch.